What's coming up at the Telegraph Gallery in December?
If you visit the Telegraph Gallery regularly, you will know that our programme goes beyond the gallery space. In addition to long-term exhibitions, you can look forward to pop-up exhibitions in the cinema and loft throughout the year, as well as residencies by Czech and international artists, always ending with an Open Studio in their studio. You can also look forward to lecture series focusing on the work of contemporary artists, the work of curators, and on the collecting of contemporary art with collectors, gallerists and curators.
In early December, we'll be delving into art from the 1980s with the new exhibition Signal IV: The Eighties!
5 12 2024 / 20 3 2025 Signal IV: The Eighties
The Signal IV exhibition represents the fourth part of the Robert Runták Collection and focuses on the art scene of the 1980s. This exhibition confronts a generation of male and female artists with their mentors who have influenced their work outside of formal school institutions. The emphasis is on unofficial movements that have developed in the background, away from censorship and evaluation committees.
Opening 5/12 6pm
12/16/2024 / 8:00 PM CINEMA: Andy Warhol - The American Dream
Although we're not screening directly in the gallery (as awesome as that would be), Andy Warhol is simply worth mentioning. In fact, the film American Dream tells the story of his journey to leading galleries around the world. How did he make it to the top of the art scene and what influenced his work the most? You can find out all in Ľubomír Ján Slivka's documentary.
18 Dec 2024 / 18:00 Contemporary Art Collecting: Jan Dotřel
The next lecture in the Contemporary Art Collecting series is here! This series offers a unique perspective on the motivations and criteria for selecting works from successful and emerging collectors, curators and art investment experts. Learn everything you need to know from the curator of the Kvalitář gallery Jan Dotřel on 18/12.
We wish you the most peaceful Christmas holidays and look forward to seeing you there!